Ruby was born in Bristol in 1935. 

After leaving school, she worked in the catering business, but keen to broaden her horizons and gain her independence, she moved to London. 

For most of her working life, Ruby was the personal secretary to the Chairmen of large corporations at various head offices in Central London.

After getting married, she and her husband Allen settled in Balham. 

At the time, Balham was affordable because, to most Londoners, it was considered a ‘South London backwater,’ and her friends often teased her about living in the area. 

That was back in 1975, and Ruby is delighted that Balham has since become the vibrant and desirable place it is now.

Ruby worked way beyond the national retirement age and has always been a very active woman. She loves walking and, until recently, was a member of The Ramblers.

Allen passed away nearly 20 years ago, and Ruby still finds this difficult to cope with. She has to ‘fight hard’ to accept his absence. “He had many qualities and abilities, and I was fortunate to have married such a man.”

After Allen’s death, Ruby volunteered at a local Hospice. This continued for over 12 years and formed an important part of her life after her loss.  

Unfortunately, the pandemic and the subsequent government restrictions put a stop to this. Ruby still remembers her days helping out there with much affection.

When I took this shot, Ruby was returning from her ‘falls’ class. A recent fall required a hip replacement, and the classes are helping her to recover. 

Ruby admits that the accident has taken away some of her confidence and knows her rambling days are over. However, Ruby is determined to remain independent for as long as possible.

According to Ruby, “One loses so many things with age, but you do gain wisdom. I’ve known many older people; they may not have been intellectuals, and they may not have had a grand lifestyle or anything like that, but their wisdom was infinite. It’s hope that comes with age.”

Ruby added that we all must accept life changes and shouldn’t keep looking back. Her adage is, “Go with the flow. Accept what you can, and discard what you can’t.”